Rules and instructions for the Game of Ludo

Ludo is an exciting board game for two to four players. It is inspired by Indian game Pachisi and is popular under various names worldwide. It is also featured in the Mahabharata, a historic epic.

It is important to understand the rules of ludo before playing. These rules include the home color, safe spots and blockers. These rules will help you win the game quickly.

Game rules

Ludo is a great game for people of different age groups. Young children can learn how to count as their tokens move around the board, and older players can use strategic play to win. Its simple rules make it easy to pick up and play, even for people with limited time.

Each player has four tokens of a particular color that are placed in their home squares on the edge of the board. The board is typically shaped like a cross, with each arm divided into three columns of squares. The middle column usually has five coloured squares, each representing one of the players’ home columns.

The goal is to get all four of your tokens to the finishing square. The first player to do so wins. The game also features a barrier rule, which allows a player to skip a turn if they roll a 6.

Game mechanics

Players roll dice to move their pawns around the board. Their goal is to reach their home square and win the game. The game can be played by two, three, or four players.

In online and offline Ludo, if a player’s token lands on a square that is occupied by an opponent’s piece, it will create a block that can only be opened if the player rolls a six on the dice. This rule can increase the speed of play and reduce the chances of other players capturing one’s tokens.

There are many variations of the game, including auction Ludo where players bid for the initial dice roll or other advantages. There is also cooperative Ludo, which encourages teamwork and communication between players. These variants make the game more interesting and diverse.


Players play this board game by throwing a dice to decide how far their tokens can move around the ludo track. When a player throws a six, they get an extra turn. The object of the game is to get all your pieces around the ludo track and into their home area before your opponent. If your piece lands on an opponent’s square, it is sent back to its starting area.

The ludo board is typically coloured bright yellow, green, red, or blue. Each player gets assigned a color and has four tokens in that color. The ludo board is also divided into special areas called “safe squares.” These are typically five coloured squares that represent a player’s home column, while the center has a large finishing square that features colored triangles atop each player’s home columns (thereby depicting arrows pointing to the finish). You can use these safe squares to block other opponents’ tokens or capture them.

Age groups

Ludo board game is an exciting and fun way to spend time with friends and family. It encourages social connection and fosters empathy, compassion, and trust. It can also improve mental and physical health by lowering stress levels.

The game requires players to be able to think strategically and make decisions quickly. It also challenges their ability to anticipate opponents’ moves and strategies. It also helps to develop teamwork qualities. This can be beneficial in both personal and professional life.

Online ludo games also offer global competition and a variety of game modes. The games allow people of all ages to compete with individuals from different cultures and regions. This diversity adds excitement to the gameplay and allows for a range of different strategies.

Rules of online ludo

Online ludo is a fun game for two or four players. It is easy to learn and offers a great blend of luck and strategy. The player with the most number of tokens in their home column wins. To move a pawn around the board, you must roll the dice and follow a specific path.

The ludo board is usually square and divided into a cross with each arm having three columns of squares, six per column. The center of the board has a special space with a coloured triangle that is one of the player’s home spaces.

Each player has four pieces and a dice. The goal is to get all of your pawns across the board and to your home. During this journey, you may capture your opponent’s pawns, earn extra turns, and send their pieces to their starting areas.